
Cabrinha Kiteboarding
Cabrinha Fusion
Price: $829.00
Sale: $663.20
In stock
Cabrinha Fusion
Price: $849.00
Sale: $679.20
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Cabrinha Fusion
Price: $699.00
Sale: $559.20
In stock
Cabrinha Fusion
Price: $799.00
Sale: $639.20
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2022 Cabrinha Spectrum
Price: $479.00
Sale: $287.00
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2022 Cabrinha XCAL Wood
Price: $699.00
Sale: $559.20
In stock
Forged Mast Plate Socket MKII
Price: $169.00
In stock
2023 Cabrinha Operating System - C.O.S. Control System
Price: $649.00
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2023 Cabrinha CBL
Price: $669.00
In stock
2023 V2 Cabrinha Code Wingboard   ​  The sport of wingsurfing is moving at an exceptional pace and the development of the Code version 2 nods to a few key areas of improvement designed to simplify the in some key areas. The overall shape has changed with a reworked nose design and pronounced keel that improves stability and early takeoff. Its short compact design with ample volumes allow you to ride a shorter board than previsouly. The lightweight EPS, durable bamboo and UD carbon stringer construction gives you the confidence to take to the sky while still offering precise, positive control over the board when put on rail. The Code is the most versatile, all-round performing board in the ran
Price: $1,499.00
Sale: $899.00
In stock
Price: $999.00
In stock
Cabrinha Fusion Alloy Mast MKII
Price: $189.00
In stock
Cabrinha Fusion Carbon Mast MKII
Price: $999.00
In stock